Quantum Filmmaking is an eutopian research art project conducted by iceberg Fernandez, with the collaboration of the web developer Jon Diez, at University of the Arts London (UK).

The project analyzes the Physics of cinematic narrative within the context of the ubiquitous contemporary mobile social media. Through a series of participatory video-collage projects, building upon camera-phones, we invite the participation of anyone , anywhere and anytime , merging art with everyday life, and thus, exploring and expanding the notion of contemporary art inside and beyond the institutions.

Quantum Filmmaking dissolves the hierarchical binary oppositions between art producers and receivers, roles that co-exist in superposition, reversing the ontological chronological order of production and reception: there is not a definite outcome as the artworks emerge during the development.

The art project recovers the eutopian discourse of Quantum Physics, which empirically demonstrated that the act of observation transforms reality. But in this context, the camera-phone supplants the microscope. Therefore, it presents eutopia as the possibility of ‘utopia’, as it seems that the own signifier of the word stops it from becoming reality, liberating the concept from the constraints and realm of the impossibility.

Quantum Filmmaking is composed by three participatory video-collage projects, with different quantum space-time approaches to narrative, inviting everyone to participate with their mobile phones: Kino-Present, Now&Here=Everywhere and Re-constructing the X.

To participate and to keep updated, please join our social media groups on FACEBOOK and MASTODON

Kino-Present reverses and synthesizes the ontological chronological order of production and reception of traditional cinema, introducing the process of live film production and reception in the everyday life, creating ephemeral mobile cinemas in the public domain and inviting participants to edit their own films ON line.


Now&Here = Everywhere is the shortest international art collaboration in the History of Humanity lasting just for 30 seconds. In the project, participating artists co-create multi-screen video-collages recreating simultaneous moments happening in different locations of Planet Earth.


In Re-constructing the X participants film during 30 seconds with their mobile phones their point of view shots of X, which is a specific momentum in space and time, in order to co-create a multi-screen collage re-constructing the situation. You can create your own momentums or participate in the events organised.


For up to date news about the project Visit the blog

Researcher: Jan Livingston.

Web Designer and Developer: Jon Diez.

PhD Supervisors: Susan Trangmar, Dr Duncan White and Steven Ball.